

16th September 2024

Hannah's Exploration: Discovering STEM Pathways through a Smallpeice Trust Residential Course

Hannah, a 14-year-old student with a strong interest in STEM subjects, first learned about the Engineering Experience Northern Ireland residential course through her science teacher. Recognised for her potential, she was one of the few students nominated by her school to participate in the course. This opportunity allowed Hannah to further explore her interests and gain valuable hands-on experience.  

An Enriching University Experience:  

Throughout the course, Hannah particularly enjoyed the hands-on activities, such as making a radio and learning how to solder. While she had some prior experience with soldering at school, the course enabled her to refine these skills significantly. She looks forward to applying what she has learned when she returns to school in September, confident that these new skills will enhance her future projects. 

Key Takeaways and Skill Development:  

Hannah's biggest takeaway from the course was the development of her team-building skills. Working collaboratively on various projects allowed her to enhance her problem-solving abilities, as she navigated the different roles within her team. These experiences have not only strengthened her technical skills but also her ability to work effectively within a group, a vital skill in any STEM field. 

Inspiration from a Diverse Learning Environment:  

One of the most inspiring aspects of the course for Hannah was the opportunity to explore her future career options. Although she is still considering her path, the course has sparked a keen interest in biology. Hannah is now more inclined to pursue a STEM-related career, particularly in the field of biology, where she hopes to become a midwife. Her fascination with the human body and desire to learn more about human anatomy have been further fuelled by the experiences and knowledge gained during the course. 

Enjoyable Stay and Campus Life:  

Hannah thoroughly enjoyed her stay at the university, particularly appreciating the independence of having her own room—a luxury she does not have at home, where she shares a room with three of her sisters. This experience of living on campus has made her seriously consider applying to Queen’s University in the future, as she continues to explore her academic and career options. 

Summing Up the Course:  

When asked to describe the course in three words, Hannah chose "Interesting, friendly, fun." These words capture the essence of her experience, highlighting the engaging content, the welcoming environment, and the enjoyment she found in the activities and social aspects of the course. 

Career Aspirations and Engineering Insight:  

While Hannah is still exploring her options, her participation in the course has significantly influenced her interest in pursuing a STEM-related career. She is particularly drawn to biology and is considering a career as a midwife. Her fascination with the human body and anatomy has been deepened by the course, and she is eager to continue her studies in this area, potentially leading to a fulfilling career in healthcare. 

Encouragement for Future Participants:  

Hannah enthusiastically encourages other students to apply for a Smallpeice Trust residential course. Her advice is simple: "Do it, enjoy it." She emphasises the value of the experience, not only in terms of the skills and knowledge gained but also the opportunity to make new friends and meet people from different backgrounds. For those considering attending alone, Hannah reassures them that it is a great chance to build new friendships and expand their social network. 

Hannah's experience at the Engineering Experience Northern Ireland course was both educational and inspiring. The hands-on activities and team exercises allowed her to develop important skills, while the exposure to university life and the encouragement to explore STEM careers have set her on a promising path. As she continues to explore her options, particularly in biology, Hannah is grateful for the opportunity to have participated in such a rewarding course. Her journey serves as a testament to the value of these experiences in shaping the aspirations and future careers of young students. 


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